Saturday, June 8, 2013

Face surgery - Could it be Cancer?

Yup, so I went to the doctor about two weeks ago because one of my beauty marks (moles) on my face started to bleed for no reason, and then it started changing/growing.  Then, the one by my eye started changing shape. 

Once the doctor looked at them - he said without a beat, "Yup, those are coming off."  I said, "Wow, really?  Just like that?"  He said, "Just to be safe, I am going to call the plastic surgeon, and schedule you to get those off." .... So, there it was.  The doc was nervous about them enough, to tell me to get them off.  Which made me nervous.  He was willing to call someone to cut my face open, because of the possibility of them being cancerous.  So, the one by my eye, and the bigger one above my lip have to go.  I get to keep my favorite one - the smaller one above my lip.

Which brings us to the present.  Yesterday, I went to the surgeon.  I was super nervous, and literally sick to my stomach.  Just before going in, I was lying there in the bed on wheels, and that is when the nurse told me... "You have to go in alone, not with your husband."  I'm like, WHAT?  I need someone to hold my hand and tell me everything is going to be alright!!  I started praying immediately, again.  I just prayed, "Wow, Jesus, please go in there with me;  I am so scared.  I am going to be all alone.  I need someone to take this pain away by comforting me.  Since my husband won't be there, can you please take his place physically for me?  Can you please hold my hand - and calm my nerves?  Can you please be with that doctor - and lead him and his knife and stitching?"  I felt more at ease while praying. 

As they wheeled me into the operating room, it became more real.  This was really happening.  Bill is literally not going in there with me.  How am I going to do this without him holding my hand?  I started crying.  Then I started thinking, well - I shouldn't be leaning on Bill.  I should be leaning on God.  God is there all the time.  When Bill can't be there, God can.

So, there I was on the table - it was JUST like in the movies.  They hooked this wire thing to my leg, put one of those pressure things on my arm, and then clipped the thing on my finger (sorry about the non-technical terms - ha!).  And there it was... My heart beat was loud enough so everyone could hear how fast or slow it was beating.  The doctor said something about what kind of knife he needed, and my heartbeat was going so fast, and the doc was like, "I can tell you are nervous!"  I'm like, "Duh!"  Then, they did the local anesthetic to the one area and it felt like the worst wasp stings over and over - like five or six times.  I bawled my eyes out.  Then to the next spot, another five or six shots.  Another big cry.  Okay, so I was numb to the pain, but not to the vibrations and the tugging.  I could feel every bit of the movement the doc was doing - and the tugging of the stitching.  Terrible.  I then silently cried out to God!  Help!!  I need to be comforted by touch from you, God - and I need comforting words... PLEASE!!!! ... Next thing I knew, one of the nurse's I didn't even know was in there... She touched my foot, and rubbed it, and said, "Janette, you are doing great, everything will be okay, everything will be okay."

God used her.  To comfort me.  Amazing.

Next thing I knew, I was out of surgery.  I have tape on my face in two places.  I will find out the results on if they were cancerous or not in about a couple of weeks.  I will keep everyone updated.  Either way, I know God has me in His hands.  His plans are perfect, and I just thank Him everyday for giving me the life I have now.

The biggest lesson from this experience is that we CAN count on God.  When unexpected things happen in life, God is the only constant.  It was a curveball that Bill wasn't allowed to go into surgery with me, but God was present - and took care of me - how I needed to be taken care of.  It was a surprise that my beauty marks looked like they could be cancer, but God is faithful.  I know that I am in His hands.  I know that God is faithful to take care of His children.

Philippians 4:6
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Jeremiah 29:11-13
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'"